8 Self-Help Practices That Can Actually Make A Difference In Your Life

It would have been great if we can control everything in life so that everything goes according to plan. This means there wouldn’t be any problem and nothing will stress you out. But, that’s not how it works. However, this doesn’t also mean that just because life is a one big roller coaster ride, you’ll just let yourself be eaten by stress. Here are some ways to help you live a happier life.

1.      Watch Your Train Of Thoughts
Having a positive mindset can go a long way. Remember how your mind controls every function of your body? That can be very accurate. Like if you think you can push through your pain and workout to lose weight or decide that you will no longer let worries stress you out, you can and you will. Just by thinking you can do better helps shift your health. So when you catch yourself thinking negatively, stop yourself immediately. Think of something positive instead.

2.      Embrace Your Breakdowns
We’ve always been told not to dwell on negative emotions and difficult situations. Although doing that is easier, it’s also not good to completely avoid them or deny yourself of them. What you should learn instead is to learn how to deal or manage those. Let yourself experience the hard things and you’ll surely grow and be able to better handle them next time.

3.      Sober Up
It’s easy to turn to whatever helps numb you when you don’t want to feel something, however, you know deep down it’s not gonna solve anything. Try going sober for once. Yes it will make you feel everything that it will also push you to work towards finding solutions to the problems that’s making you drink or whatever numbing agent you prefer in the first place. Doing so will make you feel way better than just numbing the pain.

4.      Seek Chiropractic Care
There are back pains that are only due to a long day at work, but then there are those that never go away because of an underlying condition. Either way, visiting a chiropractic clinic here in Singapore can do you more than just relieve your pain. It can also help you determine what’s really causing the pain and treat it which can make a great difference in the quality of your living.

What’s even great about chiropractic care is that, because it’s a holistic approach to wellness that is non-invasive and drug-free which specializes on musculoskeletal issues, it can help you with a lot more than ease back pain. It is known to help improve sports performance, alleviate headache, stimulate immune system, helps make pregnancy as comfortable as possible, normalize blood pressure, prevent progression of scoliosis, and treat sciatica and more.
5.      Honor Your Heart Space
Nowadays, people are pressured to make smart decisions which oftentimes completely disregard your feelings. This can really be taxing not just emotionally but as well as mentally. Stop doing this to yourself and start respecting what your heart is telling you. If you’re asked to do something you don’t really want but seems logical or beneficial, pay attention to how your body responds. Most of the time, when you’re faced with a difficult decision that doesn’t sit well with you, you tense up or get tight in the chest. That can be a signal from your heart. Listen to it and respectfully decline. You wouldn’t get those signals if the situation feels right.

6.      Adopt A Grounding Ritual
Meditation and yoga are wonderful, but you don’t have to sit on a tuffet or slip on Lululemon to come home to yourself. But it can be as simple as touching a tree for a few moments sipping a cup of herbal tea, or holding a crystal in your hand too. The key is to return to your ritual whenever you feel disconnected or shaky.

7.      Immerse Yourself Into Nature
Hiking, camping, swimming at the beach, and visiting more places that aren’t malls or buildings or even just spending 20 minutes in the sun keeps you grounded. The natural environment also helps calm you mentally and emotionally when work, traffic, and too much computer is starting to take a toll on your health generally.

8.      Give Yourself A Break
Sometimes, the only problem is that you’re too hard on yourself. We cannot keep ourselves from making mistakes, but there’s no point in beating yourself up over and over because of your mistakes. It’s not gonna help what happened and will only make yourself feel miserable.
