Acupuncture and Chiropractic therapy are both an alternative, natural, pharmaceutical-free forms of treatment for a variety of complaints, conditions, and injuries. While they both address pain reduction, they do it in different angles that complement each other.
In acupuncture, pain is relieved through the production of the body’s natural painkillers, which is stimulated by the needling of corresponding meridians on the body. Acupuncture also encourages the release of Serotonin, which helps to regulate the mood, moderate sleeping cycles, and can relax tense muscles. In chiropractic, pain is often treated through spinal manipulation, which is intended to correct the alignment of the skeletal system and joints. Correcting physical misalignments in the body can not only help to treat conditions that contribute to pain, but can also improve the circulation of blood and the communication of the nervous system throughout the body. Essentially, chiropractic addresses the “mechanical” malfunctions of the muscles and skeleton, while acupuncture improves the chemical, nervous, and neurological processes.
But then, while these forms of treatment are definitely effective, it’s important that the one administering it is very skilled. Because otherwise you wouldn’t get the full effect of the treatment. So to make sure you’re receiving treatment from the right acupuncturist here are the things that you should look for.
Look For One With A Specialization That’s Related To Your Concern
Acupuncturists, for them to be able to practice acupuncture, have to complete a four-year full time graduate school program to get their license. This mean they also study different field in medicine, so most of them have one or two areas which they specialize. Therefore, it would be best to ask for their specialization before anything else, someone who is more familiar or expert with your issue will be able to help you better.
It Helps If The Acupuncturist Has The Same Background With You
Although every acupuncturist are able to help you, going to some who do the same sport or suffers/have suffered from the same health issue can provide better care. Why? That’s because they know your situation from personal point of view, so they have a better idea on how to help you.
Go For Someone Who Is Recommended By People You Trust
When it comes to your health, you should be extra meticulous on who you go to for treatment. That’s because the wrong person may do more damage than good. So if you don’t know any acupuncturist personally, as your family or friends for recommendation. If someone you trust can vouch for a specialist’s credibility the higher the chance that you’re in good hands.
Mind Their Manners
For some who is suffering from any kind of pain, and is trying to seek cure or even relief, it would help immensely if you go to an acupuncturist who treats his patient well. Not necessarily VIP treatment but, smiling at you, makes you feel welcome, or says reassuring words makes your healing progress less painful.
Experience Matters
Most people who seek alternative medicine have been to modern medicine and see no improvement so they try a different approach. And when it comes to that, the experience of the practitioner is really crucial. Someone who isn’t familiar with your illness and has never treated anyone with the same ailment before is less likely to help you compared to the modern medicine.
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