Causes Of Lower Back Pain And Chiropractic Care

Hectic work schedule, chaotic family life, crazy partying, trying to look perfect in social media. Nowadays, the demands of modern living can really take a toll on your health, no wonder most people are complaining about lower back pain.        
However, while the stress of daily living can no doubt bring all sorts of pain to your body, sometimes low back pains are also due to health conditions. Here are some most common causes of low back pain.

1. Subluxations

Also known as misalignments. This means some vertebrae in the spine are not in their normal position. Unless these subluxations gets corrected or adjusted by a chiropractor, it will continually cause pain. Aside from pain, misalignments can also lead to systematic dysfunction and disease.

2. Disc Herniation

This condition may not show symptoms like lower back pain. However, it may bring intense and debilitating pain in other parts of your body. What’s worse is that it doesn’t heal completely but you can prevent it from deteriorating further by seeking regular chiropractic care.  

3. Sprain, Strain, And Spasm

If you’re the type of person who has little to no physical activity during weekdays, then tries to do extreme ones during the weekends, you’ve probably experienced this already. Overworking your muscles and ligaments leads to small tears in the tissues and cause sprain, strain, or spasm. Consult a Chiropractor here in Singapore for early detection and treatment.

4. Stress

As mentioned above, with the modern lifestyle majority of us have nowadays, stress will be a part of your life too. While a little stress is a good motivation, too much of it can lead to muscles becoming weak, sore, and loaded with trigger points which often materialize as low back pain. If this is your case, knowing how to take a break is often the key. If there’s no sign of improvement, time to consult a professional.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractors in Singapore are aware how fast-paced life is in the Lion City which often results to people suffering from low back pain. But through spinal manipulation, the pain can be relieved, it also gets to the root cause of the problem, and prevents it from coming back. Therefore, you’re no longer have to live with pain relying on painkillers that just numbs the pain without actually treating the problem itself.  
